練習瑜珈,讓你保持冷靜的思緒,睡眠中你可以得到完全的休息‧你會有不可思議的精力,活力,壽命,和高品準的健康 ‧行瑜珈的生活方式加深你的能力去了解上主‧
28th November
Uses of Yoga
Through the practice of Yoga, you can overcome all difficulties and can eradicate all weaknesses. Through the practice of Yoga pain can be transmuted into bliss, death into immortality, sorrow into joy, failure into success and sickness into perfect health. Therefore, practise Yoga diligently.
Through Yogic discipline, mind, body and the organ of speech work together harmoniously. You can have calmness of mind at all times by practice of Yoga. You can have restful sleep. You can have increased energy, vitality, longevity, and a high standard of health. The Yoga way of life deepens your understanding and enables you to know God.